UXPA Boston 2022 Talk: Building Your Platform as a UX Leader

October 13, 2022
2 min read

This past week I had the distinct privilege of speaking at the UXPA Boston 2022 conference. Each year the conference brings together UX professionals from across the region and country to discuss important topics.

While I had attended several times before, however this was my first time speaking. My talk, "Building Your Platform as a UX Leader" focused on the challenges that you need to navigate as a leader that you have no framework to work through. I shared my experiences (i.e., failures) as a new UX leader, and how I worked with a coach to develop my personal leadership platform. I hope that others were able to take away the value of self-discovery as a leader, and how to go about it.

If you were able to attend or not, here are my slides in PDF format.


I owe a huge debt to Lisa deBettencourt and Catherine Winfield, both exceptional leaders in their own rights. They each provided me with unique models of leadership and helped me to figure out how I wanted to lead. To top it off, they are both wonderful people.

The display typeface that I used throughout the presentation is Segment A Type, with Work Sans as the text face.

All of the imagery is public domain that I stumbled on via the phenomenal Public Domain Review, which is an endless source of interesting curiosities.

Finally, I would like to thank thank the long list of people that gave me feedback on concepts and format of this talk.


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